I’m a freelance Journalist.

I’ve spread awareness on Climate change By filming the 2022 Pakistan floods.

Secondly, I’ve Documented how War in Afghanistan Has led to an increase in child Labour.

My interview on the BBC with Nishma Hindocha on my experiences in Pakistan and Afghanistan. We talk about the suffering I witnessed during the Pakistan 2022 floods and working conditions for children in Afghanistan.

We talk about the suffering faced by locals, the actions of governments and how desperation led to my fundraiser for the victims.

Having graduated from the University of Bristol with a First Class Honour in Politics and International Relations BSc, I have used my knowledge on structural inequality within the ‘world order’ to shed light on global issues.

Previous Projects

Climate Change and Pakistan’s 2022 Flood

Climate Change has disproportionately impacted developing countries. In June 2022, 1/3rd of Pakistan was submerged in 15m deep floodwater due to the country receiving its heaviest rainfall in 30 years; scientists have directly attributed this to climate change.

Child Labour In Afghanistan

Child poverty has been rife within Afghanistan over 20 years of war, however the deteriorating economic conditions have now magnified this issue. Afghan families have had no choice but to send their children into dangerous working environments. I travelled to a coal mine and brick factory to give Afghan children a voice.

In Sindh, Pakistan. On route to Khaipur Nathan Shah, a water-locked village in Pakistan which receives no aid. Locals have not received any government or NGO aid.

Interviewing 9-year-old Suluman in Deb-Sabz brick factory. He lost his father during the war and works 12 hours every day for less than a dollar. His arm has been fractured 4 times from working in the brick factory and was never taken to hospital.

He dreams of going to school.